Keeping up with the needs of your clients with the ever-evolving world of security can be tough. Managing subcontractors and partners can be even tougher. We’re a full service offensive security partner.

That means we can run with your projects from start to finish, without the need for project managers or significant oversight.

We offer several ways for you to leverage our firm in support of you and your clients.


Expand your capabilities and meet your clients’ needs and expectations with our white-label services. Our expert team can perform assessments under your brand, delivering the same high-quality work that your clients already know and love.


We know sometimes client workloads can be overwhelming. That’s why we offer subcontracting services to help you meet your clients’ needs. Let us be your go-to subcontracting partner to deliver the services your clients need and take the stress off of you.


We’re always looking for ways to collaborate with other organizations in our industry. We’ll happily refer work to partners when its outside of our capabilities, and we’re always thrilled to receive referrals from our partners for work that matches those same capabilities. By working together, we can give our clients more complete service, a better experience, and seamless security posture.